Sunday, January 16, 2011


Your First Blog assignment is due Tuesday, January 18 at 1PM.

This assignment is worth 50 Points of your final grade.

Please refer to Blackboard under Readings and Assignments > Blog Assignments > Group #1 Blogs (Weeks 1 - 2) for the details of this assignment.

Please make sure your blog includes the following:


This Blog is a WRITTEN assignment with IMBEDDED MEDIA and should contain

-- Three examples (audio or video) of work from an artist(s) you admire. [6 points]

-- 500-750 words explaining why/how the work influences you [9 points]

-- A demonstrated understanding of three key concepts from class [5 points]


This Blog is a WRITTEN assignment and should contain

-- A critique of three of Ditkoff’s 14 suggestions [9 points]

-- An activity prompted by one of these 14 suggestions [6 points]

-- Word total for this assignment should be no less than 750 words. [5 points]


This Blog is an AUDIO assignment and should contain

-- A summary of one aspect of J. Flaum’s article [7 points]

-- A presentation and explanation of a meaningful “Howl” [8 points]

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